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  • Writer's pictureAlternative Being with Christina

Is It Working?

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

If you have never experienced deep meditation or hypnosis, you may wonder what it will feel like and may assume to feel a certain way or not. Even as a seasoned meditator or if you’ve had several hypnosis experiences, it is always best to approach each session as unique and with an open mind. What can be experienced and how your body will perceive the energy coming in can vary depending on intention, what energy you are connecting to, the nature of the subject, Energetic Signature Frequency and where your vibrational resonance is at.

It is common for people to feel within the session that they are not deep enough or that it may not be working for them. Only to realize afterwards that they were in fact under hypnosis.

Here are a just few common feelings that may be misunderstood as “it’s not working” or “I’m not deep enough”, within a session, that in fact implies the conscious you is experiencing an Alpha or Theta brainwave state.

· Feeling nothing out of the ordinary but relaxation.

· Physically feeling relaxed or sleepy but mentally feeling awake or alert.

· Having the messages imprinted as your own thoughts and not hearing them from an outside voice within your head.

· Feeling like you are “making up” your experience.

· Feeling a temperature change i.e., hot and sweaty or cold and clammy.

· Difficulty finding your words.

· Voice may sound slightly different, or vocal cadence has changed.

· Feeling like you are under a weighed blanket or feeling light as a feather.

· Feeling of spinning or turning at times.

The truth is we experience the same states of brainwaves we strive to access several times throughout our waking day. Some examples of this are common activities such as watching tv or a good movie, at times when we are driving, daydreaming, just before we are fully awake in the morning and right before we fall into sleep at night.

In respect to a BQH or any hypnosis session, the desired effect will largely depend on initial intentions, your surrender to control the experience, and ability to relax. Practice in stilling the mind and visualization can aid in the overall experience. If you have trouble with overthinking or find it hard to visualize or use your imagination, click here for a quick 2 minute read on training your brain to slow down using an effective visualization technique during meditation. Relaxation will be your greatest ally and should be mindfully practiced as a daily habit, not only for positive meditation or hypnosis sessions, but for optimal health and balance.

It is always advised to leave expectations at the door as best and fully as possible. There really is no right or wrong way to experience a session or interpret information and healing. Each session is completely unique to the client and will vary from session to session. If you have any concerns or questions, it is always encouraged to discuss them freely with your practitioner.

~ Alternative Being with Christina

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