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After Session Integration & Spiritual Journey Support
Reflection while starring at the ocean.

Session Integration and

Spiritual Journey Support


I offer non-biased and intuitive guidance after sessions to assist with integration and deeper understandings. This type of session is also for anyone looking for support on their unique spiritual journey.


Our newfound experiences can oftentimes leave us confused or feeling alone. It can feel difficult to connect to others who aren't experiencing an “awakening”, psychic or other phenomena, or a higher calling, etc. 


With almost 4 decades of experiences (with what I consider several stages of an awakening and healing process as an empath and psychic contactee, and black sheep of the family) I know that feeling. It can take days, months and even years, to understand, accept and apply the teachings we receive as we go deep into ourselves.


I hold sacred space for you to freely share your session or other experiences and together we can discuss how you can best integrate this knowledge for your highest and best purpose, path, and timeline.


Intuitive and channeled messages will aid this process.


Each session is 40 minutes and conducted in the comfort of your own home via zoom.


If you haven't had a session before you can book a free consultation to see if this is right for you.


Investment: $44 tax included

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